The Visual Display Of Rudiments

Too many words and explanations can be confusing and abstract in some situations, without having a clear understanding of what it’s all about. In this respect, I have decided to create a visual display of rudiments, which will help to fulfill the requirement of a fast, simple and clear information recording. It is an indisputable fact that visual content can be captured and processed faster than long speeches. Even as an experienced user of rudiments, the large number of notes results in a certain confusion, which I aim to counteract with the visual display. The visual display also acts as a visual alignment to the actual groove-exercise concerning the used rudiments.

Finally, it should be noted that none of the volumes (volume 1 to volume 3) show all variations. There are simply too many possibilities for this. Further ideas would be permutation, transformation regarding subdivisions, transformation into odd time signatures, different accents/dynamics and backbeats and such. All these topics are dealt with on my YouTube channel and over time. All in all, a very productive concept covering many areas of drumming. But enough chit-chat, let’s get crackin’...


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The Modular Groove Concept

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What does the new update 2024 bring to the table?

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Rudimental Grooves – Volume 2